Where to download official SAT practice tests

Serious students know that official SAT tests are the best to practice with. They are pretty easy to find with your favorite search engine, but we've compiled a short list of links for you to click directly.
- All materials are official, College Board materials, hosted by College Board.
- To get all the material, you will need to download the test, the essay, and the answers and scoring, and an answer sheet if you want the experience of bubbling in your answers.
- For some students, the essay is theoretically optional. (But we usually recommend that you practice the essay anyway, just to be safe.) If you write the essay, you'll need someone experienced with the SAT essay to give you feedback on it.
- The official College Board download page offers a one-click option to download all the available PDFs (the test, essay, answers and scoring, and answer sheet) in one click.
- The tests are in PDF format, so you'll most likely want to print them out to simulate taking the real SAT.
- Important: SAT Practice Tests 1, 2, 3, and 4 weren't actually ever administered as tests, so their scores are reported as ranges. Tests 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 were actually administered, so the scores from these tests should be considered accurate.
Download links
SAT Practice Test 1: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 2: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 3: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 4: Removed from the College Board site
SAT Practice Test 5: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 6: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 7: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 8: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 9: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
SAT Practice Test 10: The test | The essay section | Answer sheet | Answers and scoring | Explanations
Good luck with your SAT prep!